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IONA Parent & Child Group

Who's it for?

Parent & Child Group 

For parents and carers with babies and children up to 3½ years, Mondays (during term time) from 9:15 am – 11.00 am  and Wednesday am  9.15am till 11.30am

Session Cost £7

Gentle Awakenings

For parents and carers with babies and children up to 2 years, Mondays (during term time) from 1:00 pm – 2.45 pm  

Session Cost £7

What's involved ?

We offer a peaceful, unhurried, welcoming environment in which your child can play and explore. The sessions have a gentle rhythm of play with simple natural toys made of wood and fabric, circle time with a story and seasonal songs.  There are seasonal craft and toy-making activities each week. Regular attendance will benefit both you and your child.

Please contact Nicola  if you would like to book a place to come along and join in the fun! The groups are very popular, and you may need to add your name to a waiting list.


‘Little Hedgehogs’ Outdoor Parent & Child Group

Thursdays from 9.00 am – 10.30 am and 11.00 am – 12.30 pm (term time only) 

Session cost is £7.00

For children up to the age of 5 years old. Join us for a gentle, unhurried  session of exploration and play. Children can connect to nature and experience the seasons amongst the woodland and fruit trees. They can swing in the hammock, play in the mud kitchen and enjoy water play. The morning has a gentle rhythm of free play, seasonal songs and craft.  Please dress for the weather.

To book a place please contact Nicola 


Contact Us

The Iona School
310 Sneinton Dale

0115 941 5295