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We are currently looking for new Trustees to join our committed team.

Skills sought include those related to Human Resources, Health and Safety, building Improvements, Education, and Community links.

We seek passionate, committed people willing to work as a team. Those who can be objective and work with integrity, supporting the management team in school whilst being able to be a ‘critical friend’ in an ‘eyes on, hands off’ capacity.

The time involved will be a minimum of termly or six monthly meetings associated with the particular role. Other ad-hoc meetings may be appropriate. There is also a termly meeting for all trustees to attend. 

Please note that current parents of the school are not permitted on the trustee body (but are very welcome to join ‘Friends of Iona’)

If you feel you can offer any of the above to our team, don't hesitate to get in touch with current trustee

Contact Us

The Iona School
310 Sneinton Dale

0115 941 5295